- 沉浸於午後的溺 -
-Falling In The Afternoon -
片長 TIme/3m28s
FULL HD 1080
手繪逐格 2D animation、數位合成 Digtal compositing,
2017 ATIFF臺南國際兒童暨青少年影展-國際競賽入圍/
Selected, AnimEDU Taiwan International Film Festival for Kids and Touth, 2017.
2017 想像的風景Ⅲ《烏托邦旅程的追尋》國際學生多媒體動畫藝術展-入選/
Selected, International Multimedia and Aniamtion Arts Student Comptition Exhibition, 2017.
2017 動映画製造所動畫聯展
Selected, Anifilmstudio Student Exhibiton, 2017.
2016 第一屆南藝動畫亂談影展「接關請投幣」展出作品
Selected, TNNUA Animation Talk Student Exhibitoin,2016.
An afternoon sleeping, a soft warm hug. When I am falling in the water which like mom's amniotic fluid. I still don't want to leave, even if the water is boiling.Falling in something” is the comfortable consciousness that people don’t want to leave it.